18.5 - 24.9 = Normal
25 - 29.9 = Overweight
> 30 = Obesity

If time permits, I would like to sign up for a proper course. It was good exercise :)
- Beatty Sec
- Beatty Sec
- Beatty Sec
- CHIJ St Nicholas Girls School
There were so many moves of self-defense. Coaches are very nice. This rocks!
- Northland Primary
- CHIJ St Nicholas Girls School
Coach make us feel “Taichi"
- Hong Wen School
I want to learn more advanced Taichi.
- Hong Wen School
- Princess Elizabeth Primary
The coach is very good in Wushu, I would like to continue learning.
- Princess Elizabeth Primary
- Princess Elizabeth Primary
This is to certify the following coaches, Diana Ng, Jane Tan, and Yip See Kit of NewAgeTaichi Pte Ltd had conducted the Kickboxing Workout for a group of 200 pupils (Primary 3 to 6) from Northland Primary School as part of the Sports and Wellness Programme in 2008.
The coaches were dedicated and passionate with their coaching and were able to create and sustain the pupil's interest over a period of 20 Kickboxing sessions, starting from 30th September till 13th November 2008. The coaches were able to create an enjoyable and inspiring learning environment for the pupils throughout their lessons and they also had very good rapport with the pupils. This has also helped the pupils to master the challenging moves of Kickboxing easily.
Overall, we are pleased with the team of coaches from NewAgeTaichi Pte Ltd for their professionalism and dedication. Looking forward to working with them in future.
Yours Sincerely
Miss Soh Mei Ling
HOD PE & Aesthetics
14th January 2009
We would like to send our heartiest appreciation to you and your company for conducting the FUN-De-Laxing Taichi Workout for our P1 and P2 students on wednesday, 23rd May 2007 out of goodwill.
You have inspired the pupils to learn Taichi in a fun and enjoyable way. The pupils have certainly enjoyed the workout session with you and they look forward to having you back in the future.
On behalf of the school, I would like to thank you for the excellent services rendered to our school
Yours Sincerely
Miss Soh Mei Ling
HOD PE & Aesthetics