Last Updated on 2nd Jan 2023
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Clients' Testimonials
I really liked the Taichi session! I thought it was even better than yoga.
If time permits, I would like to sign up for a proper course. It was good exercise :)
Ms Yvonne Yoong, Teacher
- Beatty Sec
Very interesting & though Taichi is a slow impact exercise, it very strenuous.
Ms Jeerah, Teacher
- Beatty Sec
Very enlightening and attractive. Coaches gave clear instruction and well prepared.
Mr Sin Lai Keong, Teacher
- Beatty Sec
Thank you! Great Taichi session, I enjoy so much!
Monica Loh
I had fun during the wushu program, and it was good exercise :)
Joy Fu, Student
- CHIJ St Nicholas Girls School
I had a lot of fun. You know I have never experienced something so picturetaking
There were so many moves of self-defense. Coaches are very nice. This rocks!
Harviran Singh, Student
- Northland Primary
Very interesting and a rare opportunity for me to take part. Thumbs up :)
Crystal, Student
- CHIJ St Nicholas Girls School
The main reason I keep coming for Taichi lesson is that I want to be healthy & fit.
Coach make us feel “Taichi"
Qing Wen, Student
- Hong Wen School
It is very good for beginners & the Coaches are very friendly & patient.
I want to learn more advanced Taichi.
Brian, Student
- Hong Wen School
I actually hated wushu but Coach Yip made me like wushu.
Brandon Oh, Student
- Princess Elizabeth Primary
I like learning new movements because it helps my body.
The coach is very good in Wushu, I would like to continue learning.
Jonathan, Student
- Princess Elizabeth Primary
I wish that Coach Yip will come here again to teach us and he is very friendly.
Muliati, Student
- Princess Elizabeth Primary


武当太极拳108式是武当山修炼丹道的动功功法之一,既可舒筋活脉、祛病延年,又能自卫防身,千百年来一脉相传,直至近代才从武当道内传至民间,保持了古朴的风格, 深受武术爱好者的推崇。




  TaiJi 108 is one of our main traditional forms. It is also the longest form to learn at the academy. There are one hundred and eight postures in this forms, however, even more so because many of them repeat a number of times. This is one form that may take longer to learn than the one month that we typically recommend to new students. Although the tradition of learning such a complex and long pattern is a great way to improve upon the core qualities of a comprehensive TaiJi practice.

  By learning TaiJi 108 and strengthening the roots of your TaiJi practice and internal cultivation, students are able to delve into the full traditional experience. TaiJi has always been a way not only to improve and maintain a higher quality of life but also as a way to cultivate emotional stability and develop mental acuity. Simply by learning the 108 pattern we are directing our attention to memory and concentration. This builds awareness and allows one to focus while removing distractions. The benefit of this is that TaiJi practice can peel off the layers of emotional imbalance and allow us to see such problems through a different perspective. Taking the time to breathe, TaiJi becomes a moving meditation. All of these reasons and more make TaiJi 108 a significant part of our practice and experience with traditional martial arts.

  1. 预备势
  2. 起式
  3. 退步崩式
  4. 揽雀尾
  5. 正单鞭
  6. 提手上式
  7. 白鹤亮翅
  8. 左搂膝拗步
  9. 手挥琵琶
  10. 白鹤亮翅
  11. 左搂膝拗步
  12. 右搂膝拗步
  13. 左搂膝拗步
  14. 手挥琵琶
  15. 上步搬拦捶
  16. 如封似闭
  17. 十字手
  18. 抱虎归山
  19. 二路
  20. 倒撵猴
  21. 右搂膝拗步
  22. 斜穿掌
  23. 揽雀尾
  24. 斜单鞭
  25. 肘底捶
  26. 右搂膝拗步
  27. 倒卷肱
  28. 斜飞式
  29. 虚步推掌
  30. 提手上式
  31. 白鹤亮翅
  32. 左搂膝拗步
  33. 海底针
  34. 闪通背
  35. 上步搬拦捶
  36. 揽雀尾
  37. 正单鞭
  38. 云手
  39. 正单鞭
  40. 三路
  41. 高探马
  42. 狮子右蹬脚
  43. 狮子左蹬脚
  44. 转身左搂膝拗步
  45. 右搂膝拗步
  46. 上步伏虎捶
  47. 闪通背
  48. 上步搬拦捶
  49. 小擒拿手
  50. 右踢腿
  51. 左打虎式
  52. 右打虎式
  53. 右弹腿
  54. 双插掌
  55. 双风贯耳
  56. 十字手
  57. 跨虎式
  58. 独立式
  59. 上步搬拦捶
  60. 如封似闭
  61. 十字手
  62. 抱虎归山
  63. 四路
  64. 倒撵猴
  65. 双插掌
  66. 斜穿掌
  67. 揽雀尾
  68. 斜单鞭
  69. 野马分鬃
  70. 揽雀尾
  71. 正单鞭
  72. 五路
  73. 玉女穿梭
  74. 揽雀尾
  75. 正单鞭
  76. 六路
  77. 云手
  78. 正单鞭
  79. 单鞭左下式
  80. 单鞭右下式
  81. 独立锁喉捶
  82. 倒卷肱
  83. 斜飞式
  84. 虚步推掌
  85. 提手上式
  86. 白鹤亮翅
  87. 左搂膝拗步
  88. 海底针
  89. 闪通背
  90. 迎面捶
  91. 上步搬拦捶
  92. 揽雀尾
  93. 正单鞭
  94. 七路
  95. 云手
  96. 高探马
  97. 斜穿掌
  98. 右斜插脚
  99. 左搂膝拗步
  100. 狮子右蹬脚
  101. 右搂膝拗步
  102. 白鹤亮翅
  103. 指膛捶
  104. 揽雀尾
  105. 正单鞭
  106. 八路
  107. 单鞭左下式
  108. 上步七星
  109. 退步跨虎
  110. 双摆莲
  111. 弯弓射虎
  112. 上步搬拦捶
  113. 如封似闭
  114. 十字手
  115. 抱虎归山