Last Updated on 2nd Jan 2023
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Clients' Testimonials
I really liked the Taichi session! I thought it was even better than yoga.
If time permits, I would like to sign up for a proper course. It was good exercise :)
Ms Yvonne Yoong, Teacher
- Beatty Sec
Very interesting & though Taichi is a slow impact exercise, it very strenuous.
Ms Jeerah, Teacher
- Beatty Sec
Very enlightening and attractive. Coaches gave clear instruction and well prepared.
Mr Sin Lai Keong, Teacher
- Beatty Sec
Thank you! Great Taichi session, I enjoy so much!
Monica Loh
I had fun during the wushu program, and it was good exercise :)
Joy Fu, Student
- CHIJ St Nicholas Girls School
I had a lot of fun. You know I have never experienced something so picturetaking
There were so many moves of self-defense. Coaches are very nice. This rocks!
Harviran Singh, Student
- Northland Primary
Very interesting and a rare opportunity for me to take part. Thumbs up :)
Crystal, Student
- CHIJ St Nicholas Girls School
The main reason I keep coming for Taichi lesson is that I want to be healthy & fit.
Coach make us feel “Taichi"
Qing Wen, Student
- Hong Wen School
It is very good for beginners & the Coaches are very friendly & patient.
I want to learn more advanced Taichi.
Brian, Student
- Hong Wen School
I actually hated wushu but Coach Yip made me like wushu.
Brandon Oh, Student
- Princess Elizabeth Primary
I like learning new movements because it helps my body.
The coach is very good in Wushu, I would like to continue learning.
Jonathan, Student
- Princess Elizabeth Primary
I wish that Coach Yip will come here again to teach us and he is very friendly.
Muliati, Student
- Princess Elizabeth Primary


Basal Metabolic Calculation for Sporting Performance
Jane Tan, Senior Coach of NewAgeTaichi, Copyright 2008

Metabolism involves all of the chemical reactions of biomolecules within the body that encompass both synthesis (anabolism) and breakdown (catabolism). Figure 8 illustrates the three general factors that determine total daily energy expenditure(TDEE) (McArdle, W. D. et al., 2007)

  1. Resting metabolic rate, consisting of basal and sleeping conditions plus the added metabolic cost of arousal
  2. Thermogenic effect of food consumed
  3. Energy expended during physical activity and recovery

Basal metabolic rate is the amount of calories per day the body burns and it reflects the amount of energy which the body needs in order to perform only the most essential activities. It is therefore a measure of the amount of energy required for vital activities such as the beating of the heart and the movement of the muscles used for breathing.

In our daily activity, about 70% of total calories consumed are being used up for the basal metabolism. In addition, energy is also being used when doing any kind of activity. However, given the more intense the activity is, the more amounts of calories are being burned. This is because the skeletal muscle (which accounts for about 40% of the body weight) functions as the metabolic engine and uses a large amount of energy. The basal metabolism is greatly affected by the amount of muscles in the body, hence increasing body muscle mass will also help increase the basal metabolism.

It is important to have an assessment of the BMR caloric requirements for daily living and also the Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE), which is the body maintenance level for each day. This information could be used to draft out a nutrition plan and in combination with strength and conditioning program, we will be able to maximize our body fat reduction or lean muscle gain efforts for maximizing sporting performance. (Marieb, N.Elaine and Hoehn Katja, 2007)

Once the TDEE is known, the next step is to make adjustment to the amount of calories intake according to the specific primary goal for different sports. In order to maintain body weight at its current level, the amount of daily caloric intake has to be kept within the maintenance level.

In order for weight lost, a calorie deficit has to be created by reducing the total amount of calories slightly below the maintenance level. Another approach is keeping the total amount of calorie intake the same but increasing the intensity of the physical activity above the current maintenance level. To gain more body weight, the amount of calories intake has to be above the maintenance level.

Next, to look at how BMR and TDEE can be calculated, if the body composition is tested and how much lean body mass is known, we can calculate the BMR estimate using the formula from Katch & McArdle in Equation 1, which takes into account lean mass and is therefore a more accurate formula as compared to one that is based on total body weight. Since the Katch-McArdle formula has already taken into accounts for lean body mass, this single formula applies equally to both men and women. (McArdle, W. D. et al., 2007)

BMR (men and women) = 370 + (21.6 X lean mass in kg)

You are female
You weigh 54.5 kg
Your body fat percentage is 20% (10.9kg fat, 43.6kg lean)
Your lean mass is 43.6 kg
Your BMR = 370 + (21.6 X 43.6) = 1312 calories

Calculate Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) by multiplying your BMR by your activity multiplier from the following Table:

Activity Level Formula Explanation of Multiplier
Sedentary BMR X 1.2 Little or no exercise, desk job
Lightly active BMR X 1.375 Light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week
Moderately active BMR X 1.55 Moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week
Very active BMR X 1.725 Hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/week
Extremely active BMR X 1.9H Hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2 times day training, i.e marathon, competition, etc
Activity Multiplier for calculating TDEE

Your BMR is 1312
Your activity level is moderately active (work out 3-4 times per week)
Your activity factor is 1.55,
Your TDEE = 1.55 X 1312 = 2033 calories

Since athletes generally have physique characteristics which are unique to their specific sport, understanding of the BMR calculation and how to achieve the necessary amount of muscle mass and fat is often a crucial to sporting performance.

Taking for instance, soccer is a sport which requires high levels of endurance and the ability to sprint regularly often with little recovery time. This demonstrates the necessity to provide the fuel required in order to undertake this form of exercise. Particular attention needs to be paid to the specific nutritional needs of players and the strategies to accomplish these requirements. The monitoring of food and fluid intake as well as body weight and BMR is necessary for players at all levels to ensure they are at the top of their game in both training and competition.


Marieb, N.E. and H. Katja, (2007) Human Anatomy & Physiology (7th Ed) Pearson Benkamin Cummings

McArdle, W.D. et al., (2007) Exercise Physiology, Energy, Nutrition & Human Performance (6th Ed) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Baltimore